Review: Order&Purchase from [PART1/2]

Well, Hello Everybody!!
WARNING: Picture Heavy~
Happy Holidays, Happy Christmas, Merry Christmas, and much more!!!
I am spending my Holidays with my family and friends. How about everyone else?
Today's awesome post is about my circle lenses from which has quite a few variety of lens choices from GEO to iFairy. I actually like that they have the Kimchi series because I have been hearing a lot of great things about circle lenses and I really wanted to try it out for myself.
So here is my review and I am actually going to break this into 2 parts so please stay tune for that!!

Let me Begin!!
So, right before Christmas, I received my circle lenses I had ordered from which did take a lot longer than I thought because they were coming from Singapore. I ordered these lenses about 1 1/2-2 weeks ago so it is actually the right amount of time it should or might have taken. You can pay more for a faster shipping but to be honest, my order was free shipping and I had time to spare/wait, so I just kind of took the free shipping anyways.

The package came within a Plastic Wrap which makes it look very complete and together. This really makes me feel like they took the time to arrange the order and ship the  package out. It also came with lens cases so that I can put the circle lenses in them.

COMES WITH: Lens Cases, Circle Lenses which is wrapped safely and secured, Business Card, and a Care Instruction to wear and care for Circle Lenses for first time users.

The lens cases were animal shapes and it also came with their business card which is very helpful on contacting, following, and for their site. The business card is very cute and colorful which is very eye catching to me because I love cute things. The animal cases were super cute and also came in their own plastic wrap so you know that they are new and ready to be cleaned and use.
I had gotten a yellow fish, pink pig, and a blue bear for lens case.

Now for the Circle Lenses.
I love how they really secured the circle lenses and wrapped them safe. They also secured it with tape so that the circle lenses don't fall out and that is brilliant and awesome. I am glad that my circle lenses came to me shipped safely.

I ordered 3 pairs of circle lenses. They had this awesome deal on GEO lenses and so I took the opportunity and advantage to pay about $6.50 cheaper for GEO circle lenses and and then I really wanted to try the Kimchi Series so I ordered a pair from that series. The GEO lenses have the 'Authenticity' sticker and I am very sure that the kimichi series from Lensvillage is REAL and safe for the eyes.
The circle lenses I ended up getting was the Princess MiMi Green Apple, GEO Olive/Honey Wing in Grey, and the Kimichi Viva Blue.

I am actually really excited to try the Kimchi Viva Blue lenses because I have been hearing a lot of GREAT things from this series. This series is a branch from the iFairy series.

In Conclusion....
I am happy to say that the shipping does take long depending on where you are located. If you want to check out how long it will take to reach you, please make sure that you check out their shipping/faq link for more information on that. For me personally, I don't mind waiting and waiting keeps me happy and excited to try these circle lenses!!

Overall, I have to say, it was worth the wait and I am happy to try these lenses to give you all a review. I am pretty sure there is a lot of reviews on these lenses but I just want to share my own personal experience on them with you but that is not until part 2 of my review.

I am officially off to bed since it is way way past my bedtime and I am pretty sure that my Boyfriend is not happy about since I am still up blogging about this. I am also very tired and tried very hard to edit the pictures to add font to them. I hope you all enjoy this post and stay tune for my video review and more but until then, I will be off resting as of right now.


Review: Order&Purchase from [PART1/2] Review: Order&Purchase from [PART1/2] Reviewed by ItsFrany on 4:59:00 AM Rating: 5

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