REVIEW: Canon Power Shot SX170 IS

It's been Too Long!!
How are you all since my last post? I have been so occupied and busy with a few personal things that I have not been able to post. I also needed a new camera too so I can take videos and do other stuff. I'm so happy to say that I will be reviewing this camera that I actually had doubts about until I get the camera I want. To be honest, this camera is actually really good and better than expected too. SO HERE IS A REVIEW ON THIS CAMERA!! Hope You all enjoy!!

Canon Power Shot SX170 IS
16.0 MEGA PIXEL || 28mm wide 16x || 7.5cm - 3.0" LCD
OS Betriebssystem: WINDOWS - Window 8 / 7 SP1 / Vista SP2 / XP SP3
                               MACINTOSH - Mac OS X (v10.6 - v10.8)

 - Camera
 - Camer Strap
 - Charger
 - Re-Chargeable Battery
 - Instruction Manual
 - Warranty Slip

Warranty last up to 2 yrs. Can be purchased while you purchase the camera at the store.
The camera itself come without a Warranty.
If you want to be safe and pre-cautious, purcahse the warranty.

This camera is actually really nice an convenient because it's not too big nor small. You will need a case for the camera overall because it's width is as big as a quarter. I personally like this camera and the pictures themselves come out great with many options to take pictures such as:
 - MOVIE: Captures video to extend length of memory card
 - DISCREET:  Turns off all sound and flash for discreet
 - FISH-EYE EFFECT: Shoots with an effect with fish-eye lens
 - SCN [PORTRAIT]: Get the best out of people shots
 - AUTO: Determines scene and chooses optimum setting
 - LIVE: Easy picture adjustments to create desired effects
 - P [PROGRAM]: Set various camera functions
 - Tv [SHUTTER SPEED PRIORITY]: Set shutter speed, camera will select aperture
 - Av [APERTURE PRIORITY]: Set aperture, camera will select shutter speed
 - M [MANUAL]: Set aperture and shutter speed for max flexibility

I personally like Canon cameras because they always seem to work well for me and for all the events I usually go to. I also like Canon cameras too.

The things I don't like about this camera is the fact that the flash is not really automatic. You have to lift the flash-light to make flash happen which kind of is dumb. When I opened the box and looked straight at the camera, it did not come a with peek hole and just a screen shot which also sucks because what if it's too bright outside and you can't see the screen?

Overall Review:
This camera is not a bad choice for first timers f you are thinking of going to easy-understanding route and it does take great pictures without flash and also without places with a lot of lighting, it does take some outstanding photos too. I am happy about a lot of things on this camera and the few things I don't like, I can compromise with because the camera has a lot of good things too.
This camera is easy, light weight, convenient, and easy to function even without being a professional photographer. An easy-first time photographer camera.

That is all for this review. I hope you all have a wonderful week. I am OFFICIAL turning 21 on the 15th of May, so I am excited and will have my first Vlog up for the Year. Thank you for reading and until next time to you all ^^



REVIEW: Canon Power Shot SX170 IS REVIEW: Canon Power Shot SX170 IS Reviewed by ItsFrany on 11:31:00 PM Rating: 5

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