REVIEW: Canon Power Shot SX170 IS
It's been Too Long!!
How are you all since my last post? I have been so occupied and busy with a few personal things that I have not been able to post. I also needed a new camera too so I can take videos and do other stuff. I'm so happy to say that I will be reviewing this camera that I actually had doubts about until I get the camera I want. To be honest, this camera is actually really good and better than expected too. SO HERE IS A REVIEW ON THIS CAMERA!! Hope You all enjoy!!

Canon Power Shot SX170 IS
16.0 MEGA PIXEL || 28mm wide 16x || 7.5cm - 3.0" LCD
OS Betriebssystem: WINDOWS - Window 8 / 7 SP1 / Vista SP2 / XP SP3
MACINTOSH - Mac OS X (v10.6 - v10.8)
- Camera
- Camer Strap
- Charger
- Re-Chargeable Battery
- Instruction Manual
- Warranty Slip
Warranty last up to 2 yrs. Can be purchased while you purchase the camera at the store.
The camera itself come without a Warranty.
If you want to be safe and pre-cautious, purcahse the warranty.
This camera is actually really nice an convenient because it's not too big nor small. You will need a case for the camera overall because it's width is as big as a quarter. I personally like this camera and the pictures themselves come out great with many options to take pictures such as:
- MOVIE: Captures video to extend length of memory card
- DISCREET: Turns off all sound and flash for discreet
- FISH-EYE EFFECT: Shoots with an effect with fish-eye lens
- SCN [PORTRAIT]: Get the best out of people shots
- AUTO: Determines scene and chooses optimum setting
- LIVE: Easy picture adjustments to create desired effects
- P [PROGRAM]: Set various camera functions
- Tv [SHUTTER SPEED PRIORITY]: Set shutter speed, camera will select aperture
- Av [APERTURE PRIORITY]: Set aperture, camera will select shutter speed
- M [MANUAL]: Set aperture and shutter speed for max flexibility
I personally like Canon cameras because they always seem to work well for me and for all the events I usually go to. I also like Canon cameras too.
The things I don't like about this camera is the fact that the flash is not really automatic. You have to lift the flash-light to make flash happen which kind of is dumb. When I opened the box and looked straight at the camera, it did not come a with peek hole and just a screen shot which also sucks because what if it's too bright outside and you can't see the screen?
This camera is easy, light weight, convenient, and easy to function even without being a professional photographer. An easy-first time photographer camera.
That is all for this review. I hope you all have a wonderful week. I amOFFICIAL turning 21 on the 15th of May, so I am excited and will have my first Vlog up for the Year. Thank you for reading and until next time to you all ^^
If you want to be safe and pre-cautious, purcahse the warranty.
This camera is actually really nice an convenient because it's not too big nor small. You will need a case for the camera overall because it's width is as big as a quarter. I personally like this camera and the pictures themselves come out great with many options to take pictures such as:
- MOVIE: Captures video to extend length of memory card
- DISCREET: Turns off all sound and flash for discreet
- FISH-EYE EFFECT: Shoots with an effect with fish-eye lens
- SCN [PORTRAIT]: Get the best out of people shots
- AUTO: Determines scene and chooses optimum setting
- LIVE: Easy picture adjustments to create desired effects
- P [PROGRAM]: Set various camera functions
- Tv [SHUTTER SPEED PRIORITY]: Set shutter speed, camera will select aperture
- Av [APERTURE PRIORITY]: Set aperture, camera will select shutter speed
- M [MANUAL]: Set aperture and shutter speed for max flexibility
I personally like Canon cameras because they always seem to work well for me and for all the events I usually go to. I also like Canon cameras too.
Overall Review:
This camera is not a bad choice for first timers f you are thinking of going to easy-understanding route and it does take great pictures without flash and also without places with a lot of lighting, it does take some outstanding photos too. I am happy about a lot of things on this camera and the few things I don't like, I can compromise with because the camera has a lot of good things too.This camera is easy, light weight, convenient, and easy to function even without being a professional photographer. An easy-first time photographer camera.
That is all for this review. I hope you all have a wonderful week. I am
REVIEW: Canon Power Shot SX170 IS
Reviewed by ItsFrany
11:31:00 PM

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