Beauty Diary: How I care for my Eyebrows

Eyebrows make a Statement
Eye brows help frame and shape the face so it is important to care for them.
I learned this trick a while back in high school and never really got the chance to record it because either I would already trimmed them or forget to record it. TODAY though, I finally remembered and now I am able to share it with all of you ^^ I did a video and a picture tutorial so I hope you all enjoy and find it easy to do/try for sure!


 That is all for this Beauty Diary Post.
I hope it was easy to understand and easy for you all to do.


Beauty Diary: How I care for my Eyebrows Beauty Diary: How I care for my Eyebrows Reviewed by ItsFrany on 2:47:00 AM Rating: 5

1 comment:

  1. Hi there! ^^ I'm usually a silent reader orz but I just wanted you to know that I really like your blog! So I nominated you for the Liebster Award! ^^ you can check out my last post for more info ><

    With love
    Susy ^^ ❤️
